Pigeon marinated in black garlic sauce Recipe

Servings: 2 people Ingredients:

  • 2 whole pigeons
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 glass of red wine
  • nutmeg
  • extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste
  • 5-6 cloves black garlic
For the black garlic sauce:
Put 4 tablespoons of oil, the black garlic cloves, a pinch of salt and half a glass of water in a saucepan. Heat, crush the black garlic and let it thicken a bit. To put aside. For the pigeon marinade: put the two whole pigeons in a non-stick saucepan with high edges, roughly chop the celery, carrot and onion, season with salt and oil, a sprinkling of nutmeg, add the red wine , the rosemary and finally sprinkle them with half the black garlic sauce. Cover with water until half of the pigeons are covered. Leave to marinate. Dilute the remaining black garlic sauce with half a glass of water.
To cook the pigeons: cook the pigeons over medium heat for about an hour. When the water is reabsorbed, brown them on all sides, turning them often. Continue cooking for about another half hour, occasionally blending with the previously diluted black garlic sauce (hot). Dissect the pigeons, serve with their vegetables, sprinkle with the cooking juices and serve hot.